Visual System
In the past, simulators have been used almost exclusively for instrument instruction and a single screen was all you needed to show the runway when the student broke out at minimums. But why limit your customers' training and your profit if you don’t have to? Redbird simulators are a great primary training platform, thanks in large part to its expansive visual displays. You can still put’em in the soup if needed, but accurately simulating VFR flights opens up a huge range of uses for Redbird Simulators. Let a student practice turns-around-a-point or show them the highway they’ll pass over on their long cross-country. With a world-wide terrain database to support the 200° visuals, our visual system lets your customers experience the view from the cockpit before they ever leave the ground.
Large Simulator Visuals
Redbird Horizon Visuals
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- Redbird Flight Simulations
- 301 Vista Ridge Drive
- Suite 300
- Kyle, TX 78640
- p: (512) 301-0718
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