Redbird GIFT
Redbird’s Guided Independent Flight Training for Private Pilot is a simulator-based maneuvers training supplement designed to help your customers learn, practice, and get feedback on every maneuver required for their pilot’s license.
Each GIFT lesson focuses on a specific flight maneuver or skill required to earn a Private Pilot Certificate and includes:
- A video and written pre-flight briefing
- A simulator mission with an AI-powered flight instructor that provides real-time coaching and corrections on your performance
- A post-flight debrief with objective scoring based on the FAA Airmen Certification Standards
- In-depth post-flight review and trend tracking by uploading your lesson history to Redbird Landing
GIFT can be integrated into any Private Pilot curriculum, all that’s required is a Redbird AATD with a C172 Panel.
Download the GIFT Instructor Guide
GIFT for Private Pilot includes 33 modules:
- Introduction Flight
- Straight and Level Flight
- Changing Airspeed in Straight and Level Flight
- Normal Turns
- Normal Climb
- Best Rate of Climb
- Best Angle of Climb
- Descent
- Steep Turns
- Taxi
- Normal Takeoff
- Crosswind Takeoff
- Slow Flight
- Rectangular Course
- Turns Around a Point
- S-Turns
- Power Off (Landing) Stall
- Power On (Takeoff) Stall
- Basic Instrument Flight
- Normal Landing
- Crosswind Landing
- Traffic Pattern Operations
- Go Around
- Rejected Takeoff
- Emergency Approach and Landing
- Short Field Takeoff
- Short Field Landing
- Soft Field Takeoff
- Soft Field Landing
- Lost Procedures
- Instrument Climb, Descent, Turns to a Heading
- Cross Country 1 (Short)
- Cross Country 2 (Long)
Contact Sales to see how you can bring GIFT to your flight school
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- Redbird Flight Simulations
- 301 Vista Ridge Drive
- Suite 300
- Kyle, TX 78640
- p: (512) 301-0718
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